Friday 2 September 2011

Palestinian Pratts Pile into Proms

Are you sitting comfortably?? then I shall rant.

On the 2nd September 2011 the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, under maestro Zubin Mehta, were performing Passacaglia by Anton Webern as part of the BBC Proms season. The piece had barely started when the Royal Albert Hall was invaded by a group of pro-Palestinian protesters. Now, I don't mean to appear rude here, but what is it with people, how dare they think that they can enter the hallowed ground of the Royal Albert Hall, London, to inflict us all with their views. More than anything it is rude!!! do these people have no decorum?? probably not I fear is the answer.

Whilst I am not even going to enter into the politics of Israel and Palestine, nor am I going to pass any view on whom I think has a point and who doesn't, but I will say this... music is supposed to bring down borders and barriers between people of all religions and races. What on earth were these Palestinian chaps expecting?? Zubin Mehta to stop and say "Well chaps thinking about it you might have a point. We all stop immediately" I think not.

The Royal Albert Hall is a cultural Mecca for many musicians and music is not a zoo for people to enter to behave like animals...Next year, pro Palestinian supporters, stay at home and don't bother, you probably couldn't even find Palestine on the map let alone have ever visited the place... and if you are from there well bugger off back and wreck your own culture NOT ours.

If you would like to read a more political correct version of this story then please follow the link below.

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