Saturday 3 September 2011

Blackpool Illuminations Switch on

It's funny you know, I moved away from Blackpool 2 years ago and I have been fascinated with the response I have received from people when they discover that I am Blackpool born and bread. We all know what Blackpool is and what it isn't, and the beauty of that excellent place on the Northwest coast of England is that it never pretends to be something that it isn't. I love the fact that all these miles away from that Tangerine town it never fails to raise a smile. Every single time that somebody asks me where I am from my response is always met with a smile and a story that begins with "I love Blackpool, I went there on one occasion and ..." out pops some wonderful story that usually involves copious amounts of alcohol, a guest house and some poor sod that was left there by accident. But it always always brings back a happy memory for people.

Last night saw the switch on of the mighty Blackpool Illuminations and I have to say that a little part of me was so sad that I wasn't there. The actual Switch on Party guest list never ceases to amaze me, I know it may sound sad, put I always feel flattered that these celebrities want to travel North for this great event at my little home town by the sea. The Blackpool Illuminations kind of began in 1879 with 320 yards of arc lamps (8 in total). The "celebrity" switching them on began in 1934 with the then Lord Derby doing the honours. At the bottom of this post is a list of the celebrities who have had the privilege of flicking the switch. (Tongue in cheek)

I never realised until recently how lucky I was to grow up in a town that is a holiday destination. I always get a little bit emotional when I see Blackpool on the telly, and more than anything in the world I am so proud to call it my home. So back to my current abode in the Midlands, but rest assured I will feel warm inside when I next walk in the pub and one of my friends shouts "here comes Mrs Blackpool".

Blackpool Illuminations run this year from 2nd September until 6th November. Jump in the car drive to Stargate at Blackpool, grab a bag of chips and drive up the Illuminations and have a proper British family night out.

Some great websites that tell you about the Blackpool Illuminations:

1934 Lord Derby

Friday 2 September 2011

Guilty until Proven Innocent

Today the nurse, Rebecca Leighton, was released from prison, and all charges were dropped against her in connection with the contaminated saline drips.

Now I must admit that I am not in possession of all the facts and am by no means commenting on the innocence or guilt of a person. What I am commenting on though is that I feel that the media need to take care when reporting on such cases before printing a story about a person. It reminded me very much of the Joanna Yeates case; her landlord was arrested and photographs and stories were published about him and yet he was proven innocent. I must admit that having seen the photos of him and seen his interview that I personally was (wrongly) very quick to judge.

I really believe that the media should consider the full impact that their stories have on a persons life.  I am sure that there are many more examples of such cases, people who have had their life ruined and I would be interested to hear about others. I do not know if Rebecca Leighton is guilty or innocent, but lets leave that to the judicial system not tomorrows fish and chip paper.

J is for Grammar

Have just re read my previous blurgs and have noticed that my grammar is questionable on several occasions. I apologise profusely for this and will try harder in future. In my defence I am used to using a pen and paper, however, I feel that this is a lame excuse.

But I still love the world so what the hell.

Palestinian Pratts Pile into Proms

Are you sitting comfortably?? then I shall rant.

On the 2nd September 2011 the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, under maestro Zubin Mehta, were performing Passacaglia by Anton Webern as part of the BBC Proms season. The piece had barely started when the Royal Albert Hall was invaded by a group of pro-Palestinian protesters. Now, I don't mean to appear rude here, but what is it with people, how dare they think that they can enter the hallowed ground of the Royal Albert Hall, London, to inflict us all with their views. More than anything it is rude!!! do these people have no decorum?? probably not I fear is the answer.

Whilst I am not even going to enter into the politics of Israel and Palestine, nor am I going to pass any view on whom I think has a point and who doesn't, but I will say this... music is supposed to bring down borders and barriers between people of all religions and races. What on earth were these Palestinian chaps expecting?? Zubin Mehta to stop and say "Well chaps thinking about it you might have a point. We all stop immediately" I think not.

The Royal Albert Hall is a cultural Mecca for many musicians and music is not a zoo for people to enter to behave like animals...Next year, pro Palestinian supporters, stay at home and don't bother, you probably couldn't even find Palestine on the map let alone have ever visited the place... and if you are from there well bugger off back and wreck your own culture NOT ours.

If you would like to read a more political correct version of this story then please follow the link below.

Thursday 1 September 2011

A Virgin Blog Monster

Well this is joyous. I have no idea what I am doing but I feel I should drag myself into 2011. I'm not even sure that anybody is interested in the crapo that I might write, if I offend anybody then I apologise now.

What an exciting new journey to embark on... I think. I can't think of one single topic to rant on about from here until the end of time, so I may just rant on about all the things that pop into my mind. I feel the first topic will be my one woman attempt to start Industrial Revolution 2. Please don't think that I am some kind of feminist  type that thinks that men and women are equal, because I don't believe in any of that crap. It's a mans world and my goodness I love it.

On seconds thoughts I don't think my first rant will be about the appalling state of British Manufacturing. My first rant is aimed at the cat....and if he presses any more buttons on the TV remote then there will be a row!!!!!

Scrap gold today was £13.13/g (9ct)